Leadership Follow up

The assignments for LDT II include 3 elements. This will be made up of:

1) Individual pre-assignment (Literature Review and Inquiry Formulation) 25%

2) Team presentation (Leadership Presentation) 25%

3) Individual Action Plan for Growth 50%


For this LDT II assignment, as a team, decide which one of your team member topics you would like to focus on to present to the class. You have all completed a thorough literature review and therefore once you choose the topic to go with, you will now engage in primary research by testing your thesis statement using either interviews or a survey.  


You will need to elaborate on the points initially raised in your literature review as well as include your research findings. There are two deliverables to submit for this assignment:

1)  A Powerpoint document that includes speaker notes which outline your findings and conclusions.

2) 5 minutes recorded presentation of your findings and conclusions. Each member of the team must speak on the video (be sure to submit .mp4 format only).