week five feedback


Within Sociology as well as in social psychology, it is noted that an in-group basically is a social group whereby an individual gets to identify themselves as a member psychologically. On the other hand, an Out-group basically is defined as a social group which a person is not able to identify with. For instance, individuals are in a position of identifying themselves with same peer group, a political party, community, family, religion, sports team nation or even gender. It is evident that with the membership that is psychological regarding social groups in addition to classifications happens to be linked to a phenomenon that is of a wide range. There is the presence of stereotypes within interactions in between various social groups in addition to gender stereotypes being considered as prevalent. (Buss, 2015).


It is known that the automatic in-group bias of women is evidently stronger as compared to that of men. This is because only women are in a position of showing balance that is cognitive across in-group identity, self-esteem as well as bias. This is an indication that men do not have any mechanism in place for bolstering preference for own group automatically. There is bias that is pro-female to a point the individuals tend to favor their own mothers as compared to their fathers, there is also the association of the gender that is male with violence which is an indication that bonding that is maternal as well as intimidation of male have an influence on the gender attitudes. (De La Cerda and Warnell, 2020).


Additionally, within in-group bias as well as Out-group bias, it happens that the men who are experiences sexually, have an attitude that is more positive in addition to favoring women implicitly. In addition, through the adoption of an approach that is evolutionary to the race bias psychology, it is possible to posit that conflict that is between intergroup which has been perpetrated by aggressors who are men all through the evolutionary history of human, has played a role in shaping the modern types psychology in relation to Out-group bias whereby, the psychology is a reflection of the unique adaptive challenges differing in between women as well as men when trying to cope with the aggressors who are male from the out-groups.

In conclusion there tends to be very minimal differences in between women as well as men as the conformity they tend to exhibit, in addition, these differences are said to be impacted by the social circumstances where the conformity happens to take place through the differences in gender. On an average basis, women in addition to men have levels that are different in relation to self-concern in addition to different concern. Men basically on averagely, are said to have more focus on their appearance of having a status that is high in addition to having the capacity to illustrate the status through independent acting from other peoples perceptions. (Harvard, et.al, 2021).


Buss,.D,.M,(2015).Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of The Mind (5th ed) New York: Routledge Taylor, and Francis Group

DeLaCerda, C & Warnell,.K,.R.(2020). Young children’s willingness to decieve shows in-group bias only in specific social contexts Journal of experimental child Psychology 198,104906 https:www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022096520301387

Harvard,.C,.T,.Ferrucci,.P,.&Ryan,.T,.D (2021).Does messaging matter? investigating the influence of media headlines on perception and attitudes of the in-group journal of Marketing Communications, 27(1). 20-30


Reply Quote 4 hours agoRichard Mendelson KEISER PROFESSOR MANAGER RE: Discussion Question for Week 5

Hi Barbara,

Good post! Can you please explain what you mean when you explain that conformity does not seem to differ between genders? What are people conforming to? Why would there be a difference based on gender to begin with? What does the literature say about this?

Dr. M. 

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