Explain how effective listening and communication enhances conflict management skills.



  1. Your      manager has requested you to assist with training on work relationships.      Describe the four types of work relationships and a real-life scenario to      illustrate each type of relationship.
    The four types are trust, mutual respect, mindfulness,      welcome diversity
         Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


1. Your team has been assigned the task of sharing a model to help understand conflict styles. As team leader, describe the Kilmann Thomas’s Managerial Grid model to your team.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


  1. Take      the “How Ethical Is Your Boss?” questionnaire located on page 71      of your textbook. Describe your results and how your boss’s level of      ethical leadership influences your behaviors and feelings at work.

         Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

I attached the survey to complete to assist with the question.


  1. After      learning there is a conflict within your team, you have decided to do a      mini-training lunch session to provide conflict management resources.      Create a training guideline covering the main points for managing conflict      at work using pages 6671 of your textbook.

         Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

I attached the pages to assist.