Research-based Marketing Plan Revised Final Proposal – Product Differentiation and Positioning

  1. Review Instructors feedback on initial report, Peer’s comments and response for the initial report and PowerPoint presentation(all these documents are attached in the attachments)
  2. Now, Make changes in Market analysis report document(find in attachments) in adding additional content of 250 words by reading instructors feedback and peer’s comments.
  3. This is your revised final draft of the product differentiation and positioning section of your consultants report. It is based on peers comments and response and instructors feedback on initial report. 
  4. Your revised final report must integrate your peers alternative analysis or recommendation as an alternative perspective as part of your final report. You must either accept your peers perspective as a replacement to your initial proposal based on adequate credible theory and current marketing practice to accept it or you must provide adequate credible theory and current marketing practice to reject it. If you accept it as the correct analysis or recommendation, then the peer alternative will become the primary focus of your final paper, and your original analysis and/or recommendation will be noted as an alternative perspective that you have rebutted through cited research. If you do not accept the alternative, then you only need to discuss it as an alternative and provide objective and qualified reasons to reject it.
  5. Use these seven titles from the  to create seven sections for this part of the consultants report:
    1. Current annual sales volume in dollars and/or units sold in the market
    2. Current competitors and their offerings, including points of differentiation for each offering indicating how they are positioned to each other in the market
    3. Current price points of competitors
    4. Projected overall market growth rate for the next five years
    5. Projected changes to overall pricing in the market for the next five years
    6. Recommended position and points of differentiation for the JGJ Inc. offering
    7. Complete buyer profile of the target customer
  6. The body of your paper (i.e. excluding title page, graphics, appendices, and references page) must be 1300 words(This is the revised paper along with an additional 250 words)
  7. You must use, cite, and reference at least five credible sources not provided in the course documents, plus at least one source provided in the course documents.
  8. Your paper must be formatted to current APA standards including title page, body of the paper, citations, headings, graphics, appendices, and references page