research paper

This submission of the written report will include the Title Page, Introduction, Method, and Reference Section.

In preparing this document you should make the necessary corrections to the Title Page and Reference Page that you submitted previously with your annotations.

The Introduction begins on page three and the heading used is the actual Title of your project. All ten of your current primary peer-reviewed articles must be cited in the Introduction. Remember to start your introduction with a very general statement and finish it with your hypothesis. Assume the reader has some knowledge of your topic and use the literature to build the rationale or convince the audience that there is a need for your study. The Introduction is a synthesis of your annotations not a list.

The Method Section begins wherever the Introduction ends and Method is centered and bold. Next is the Participants section and Participants is left justified and bold. Begin the actual participants narrative on the next line by indenting the first sentence. Follow the same pattern for Materials and Procedure (which can be separate sections or one combined section). Submit the Title Page, Introduction, Method, and Reference Sections in the same word document.


The results section comes right after the Method section (it does not begin on a new page). The information in this section includes the numerical/statistical presentation of the study’s results. It should begin with a description of what the numbers represent. For example, in a memory experiment the numbers might represent the mean number of correct items; in a correlational study, each participant would have at least two scores one representing measure X and the other representing measure Y. The context and range of scores are also important. Let’s say measure X is a measure of self-esteem and participants answered 10 questions using a 5-point Likert response format where 1 = not at all like me and 5 = very much like me. The range of possible scores is between 10 and 50; the higher the score the higher the self-esteem. Include this type of information for all measures. Next present the type of statistical tests performed and the results of those tests. This would be a good time to review some of the required statements that were provided to the SPSS Basics exercises. Descriptive and inferential statistics should be included.


The Discussion section comes right after the Results section (it does not begin on a new page). This section begins with the following statement: The results _____________________ (fill in the blank with support, partially support, or refute) the hypothesis that __________________________________(fill in the blank with your hypothesis). Next, make connections between the results of your study with at least three of the studies used in your introduction. That is, how do your results add and/or change how we understand this particular area of research? This should be followed with any limitations/flaws in your study. The discussion ends with recommendations for future research and why it is important to continue researching your topic.