Women’s Empowerment

4 pages report.  

There will be one report evaluating the two videos: (1) Community, and (2) Shackled Women. The videos are included as part of the Course Content:

Part 1 of the Report is based on the Community video:

  •  (2:52) https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vpvid=e9c4a212-b325-4dc1-82cf-653ad1459f91
  •  (11:14) https://online.fiu.edu/videos/?vpvid=8d76ade4-7d82-406a-b170-e24a718c5720

Bangladesh men who were opposed to women seeking more power used a variety of tactics to resist change: threats of violence, spreading rumors about the women, religious threats that the women would go to hell, etc.

  1. In the country of Indonesia that you have selected, what are some tactics used to put obstacles in the path of women’s empowerment? How are men overpowering women, in obvious and subtler ways? Cite sources for this information. Then, give suggestions for combating these tactics in your selected country.
  2. What can or should women do to fight back? Explain your rationale, including why these particular strategies might or might not work in the country in question. Cite all your sources of reference.

(2) Shackled Women 

Part 2  of the report is based on the Shackled Women video.  Beware that some students may find this video offensive or too crude.

Shackled Women can be accessed as part of Course Resources.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqsQ4oGfq1A

For your selected country Indonesia, research how the conditions of women have changed since the last U.N. Conference on Women in Beijing. In other words, use the factors discussed in Shackled Women, such as violence against women, to evaluate the conditions of women in your selected country. Cite your sources of reference.