End of Life

Directions: End of Life
An 80, year old woman was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and weakness. She lives alone. Her children are supportive and help her around the house but do not live with her. Her husband of 51 years died within the last 6 months. She is grieving the loss, but she is relieved and feels guilty as he was an abusive spouse.

Part 1:
The original post must be at least 300 words in length
How do you assist her in coping with her loss? Be specific in your discussion. Remember to address the whole person-body, mind, and spirit. Dont just go for the stereotypical solutions. Think about what you would find helpful. Also remember to address cultural considerations. Think about 6 months ago in todays world-Covid. She may not have been with him when he died. What impact may that have on her grieving and coping.