week 6 discussion evolution psychology


lease answer each of the following questions. Be sure to use a minimum of 5 additional academic source materials as references/citations.

***Please note that the Discussion Question for this week has a higher value than any other Discussion Post in the course in terms of your grade. As such, the expectation is that all of your 4 required posts will be substantial in nature.**

  • How do the concepts sand theories we have explored and discussed in Evolutionary Psychology apply directly or indirectly to the specific subfield in Psychology that interests you most? For example, if you are enrolled in the Organizational Psychology or Industrial and Organizational Psychology programs, how does theory rooted in Evolutionary Psychology influence issues that might arise in the I/I Psychology field?
  • What did the video with Dr. Gad Saad provide to you, in terms of your understanding of the manner in which evolutionary psychology has influenced other subfields within the psychological sciences?