Reply to my peers

Reply to my peers

In your participation responses to your peers, comments must demonstrate thorough analysis of postings and extend meaningful discussion by building on previous postings.

Peer 1

The top three issues I believe to be most important in my chosen role as a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) are increased autonomy, faculty shortages, and high job demand. The issue of increased autonomy for the nurse practitioner (NP) is very controversial. Some physicians believe nurse practitioners are allowed to do too much without being medical doctors, while others believe that NPs dont do enough in the medical field. These days, nurse practitioners have the ability to practice independently (without physician oversight) in twenty-one states, despite objections from the physician community (DeCapua, M., 2019). The second issue concerning my chosen role is faculty shortages. Some programs must turn down students because they dont have enough instructors, and some student NPs reported having to sit out a semester due to a lack of preceptors. This issue affects the NP job field tremendously. The third issue is high job demand. According to DeCapua (2019), three years ago, the NP field wasnt in the top twenty high demand jobs; now, it is the fifth most in-demand medical specialty. This increased demand could result in people getting into the field for the wrong reasons, thus driving down the quality of care received from nurse practitioners.

The impact the role has on patient outcomes has proven to be incredibly positive. Nurse practitioners have improved health care tremendously. This field has made healthcare more accessible and affordable for many patients. Also, giving them more time-conscious options, such as being seen at an urgent care facility run by NPs versus going to the emergency room waiting hours to be seen (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019).

Implementing my knowledge regarding values’ theory, ethics, legal and regulatory statutes, my philosophy for a career as an advanced practice nurse includes the following pillars: treat patients with respect considering their culture and ethnicity, perform my duties or scope of practice with integrity, always being honest, truthful, accountable, and dependable. Finally, continuing my education to provide quality patients care using current evidence-based practices. This philosophy reflects in some way the way I want to handle myself as an advanced nurse. It is essential to stay positive and proactive regarding knowledge, ethics, and legal practices regulations because we hold peoples lives and health in our hands as healthcare providers. Assuming a nurse practitioner’s role or any advanced practice role gives students more responsibility, it is always crucial to maintain our values and ethics all time (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019).


DeCapua, M. (2019). 21 Trends for Nurse Practitioners in 2016. Nurse Practitioner Schools.

Tracy, M., & O’Grady, E. (2019). Hamric and Hansons Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders.

Peer 2

Going into the family nurse practitioner (FNP) specialization it is important to understand the current trends that are most important to this role. These trends include, advancing formal education, developing and acquiring leadership skills and being active in new models of leadership (Strech & Wyatt, 2013). With advanced formal education and being an active leader in the medical field you are able to improve patient care outcomes through evidenced-based practice and extensive research on the best plans of care. With the ability to assess, diagnose and prescribe medications and other treatment plans it is necessary to be aware of role regulations and requirements for this position. The American Nurses Association (ANA) provides a Code of Ethics for Nurses. The ethics and legal statutes as a healthcare provider include respecting human dignity, professional boundaries, protection of patient rights, accountability, personal health promotion, responsibility for the healthcare environment and so many others (Toney-Butler & Martin, 2020). 

The philosophy I plan to stick to in my career as an advanced practice nurse is to go above and beyond for my patients in ways of research and educating them on their plan of care. I want my patients to not only receive the best care possible but understand what is going on in their body and why the plan will be helpful. I also plan to continue my education as advancing my knowledge will only further benefit my patients. Nurses with doctorate degrees provide the profession with a valuable leadership skill set to conduct research and analyses that promote the practice of nursing and the understanding of nursings effect on patient care outcomes and the health care system overall (Strech & Wyatt, 2013). 


Strech, S., & Wyatt, D. A. (2013). Partnering to lead change: Nurses’ role in the redesign of 

health care. Association of Operating Room Nurses.AORN Journal, 98(3), 260-6.  doi: 

Toney-Butler TJ, Martin RL. (2020). Florida Nurse Practice Act Laws and Rules. Retrieved from