7 discussion

  I need 1 paper for each assignment 195 words each paper.

1.) CRJ 435 Drug and gangs

National Gang Problem

Please watch the following recent statement issued by the Presidents office: 

  • What is the significance of the statement above issued by President Trump? Has there been any policy changes or new initiatives as a result of this statement? Support your answer with at least one quality reference.

  • Did the president rely on any of the myths described in Chapter 2 to illustrate his point?

  • Respond to one of your classmates. Do you think that this statement and any resulting policies mentioned will have any effect on gang activity in the future (increase or decrease)? Support your answer with at least one quality reference.

2.) CRJ 331 : forensic Psychology

Please respond to the following:

  • Many mental health professionals consider child custody cases to be the most ethically and clinically difficult cases to perform forensic evaluations on. Why do you think that is the case?

  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates posts.

3.) ENG 315 

Please address the following:

  • Think about a situation in which a presenter had a significant impact on you.

  • Describe the situation and analyze why the presenter was able to make such a strong connection with you and the other audience members.

4.) ENG 315 Recoring Presentation

Please address the following:

  • Discuss your experience with recording a presentation.

  • How is the preparation process going, and what obstacles have you faced?

  • What questions do you have about the process that your peers may be able to help answer?

  • Find a helpful tip about recording audio or video and share that here (with proper credita link to the source will be fine).

5.) CRJ 331 Wrightman Psychology

Please respond to the following:

  • According to Chapter 13 in Wrightsman’s Psychology and the Legal System, what is the purpose of an expert witness? What value can they bring to the court room?

6.) CRJ 435 Gang Activity in Urban Areas

Please use the following website to learn about gang activity by state/region: 

  • What regions/cities have the highest presence of youth gang activity?

  • Why do you think the presence of youth gang criminal activity varies across cities?