W7: Tu Vecindario


Prior to posting your answer to this discussion I want you to read the following document which is a brief recap of some very “Common Pitfalls” that second language learners of Spanish commit. This is a great document to review regularly, and it is based on many of the points made in the book Breaking out of beginner Spanish that I mentioned earlier in the course.

Tu Vecindario

Using the Spanish you have learned from Rosetta Stone and this lesson, write about three places in your home town or city that you frequent other than work.

Where do you go and why? What is your favorite place to go? What are some landmarks in your neighborhood? Are there any special activities or festivities during the year? 

You are free to answer the questions however you wish, provided that your answer addresses the writing prompt. (tu vecindario). Your post should consist of at least 8 complete sentences in Spanish. 

Example: Voy al supermercado dos veces cada semana para comprar pescado y frutas. Est cerca de mi casa. Me gusta ir al cine una vez cada mes. Manejo 10 minutos para llegar al teatro. Tambin visito con mis amigas para jugar naipes o para tomar un caf. Viven muy cerca. Camino a sus casas. La farmacia est al centro de mi vecino. Hay muchas personas all que compran sus medicamentos. Para la Navidad, hay desfiles al centro. Tiene un gran rbol con muchas luces. 

Respond to two peers in Spanish. Make two comments and ask two questions about the content of their posts. Replies should be at least 5 sentences each.  Use appropriate Spanish language punctuation and accent marks. The document Accents and Punctuation tells you how to do this. (Becoming familiar with this document was part of week one’s assignments).

  • You can also easily create the Spanish characters using the Special Characters feature above the text field. (If you don’t see the omega or blue horse shoe, the icon may be a cube with blue and red symbols on it. They both represent the special characters feature).
    If you have a laptop and can’t create ALT commands, or if you find it more convenient, there is an icon on the gray area above the text field (where you type your post),  find the smiley face, and close by you should see an icon that is either a blue horse shoe (omega) or a box with red and blue symbols on it. This is the special character icon…clicking this box will allow you to choose special characters. You can use this box to create Spanish characters and punctuation marks.
  • Please find attached a  on when to place accents on Spanish words. I wish you all the best this week and look forward to reading your comments!