640 fe

 Developing cross-curricular instruction is a way for students to apply diverse knowledge and skills. By diving into the curriculum, teachers can integrate and create cross-curricular lessons that are beneficial and developmentally-appropriate for students.

For this assignment, arrange with your mentor teacher to observe both a science lesson and a social studies lesson. Following the observations, interview your mentor teacher about integrating science and social studies content into cross-curricular instruction.

Listed below are possible talking points for your interview:

  • How does your mentor teacher design developmentally-appropriate and engaging science and social studies lessons?
  • How is technology incorporated into science and social studies instruction?
  • How does the mentor teacher develop cross-curricular lessons that include science or social studies?
  • Does your mentor teacher feel students show more interests in their learning when cross-curricular lessons are used?
  • How does your mentor teacher verify the relevance of the cross-curricular lessons?
  • How does cross-curricular instruction allow children to make connections between the subject areas?
  • Does your mentor teacher feel he or she is able to focus the curriculum to include cross-curricular instruction and delve deeper into the learning?
  • How does cross-curricular instruction allow for peer collaboration? Does this generate more learning in the classroom?
  • How did your mentor teacher ensure students applied the knowledge and skills learned to other subjects? 

Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing the insights from your mentor teacher on developing and  science and social studies lessons. Explain how your mentor teacher incorporates and plans cross-curricular instruction. How will this influence your future professional practice?

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.