Deliverable 4 – Kingston-Bryce Communication Plan


1. Project kickoff welcome email – this is important because it provides the guidelines for the project and lists the team members, stakeholders, and the duration of the project. Comprehensively provided welcome email including the guidelines for the project and lists the team members, stakeholders, and the duration of the project in a well-written communication plan.

  1. Project summary      updates – these are used to update stakeholders who are not able to      attend a project-related meeting and can provide a status on the      effectiveness of the project meeting timelines and the budget. Comprehensively provided project summary updates      to update stakeholders who are not able to attend a project-related      meeting and can provide a status on the effectiveness of the project      meeting timelines and the budget in a well-written communication plan.
  2. Project closing      executive summary – this is used when a project is      completed. This document summarizes the overall effectiveness of the      project by including a comparison of the budget and the overall project      timeline. Comprehensively provided project      closing executive summary to include the overall effectiveness of the      project by including a comparison of the budget and the overall project      timeline in a well-written communication plan.
  3. Document how the      meetings will occur: 
    • Face to face
    • Video       conferencing
    • Email
    • Conference call

Comprehensively documented how the meetings will occur in a well-written communication plan.