ow you are ready to finalize your Executive Summary document your sources using APA format and finalize your marketing plan. You do not need to include a Summary section at the end of your plan as stated in the appendix of your text.This final project provides an opportunity for students to analyze data develop strategies leadership skills and communication skills through the culmination of everything learned this semester in the development of a marketing plan for their company or organization. Whether students desire to someday own a business or work for an existing company they will probably at some time be involved in developing a marketing plan for a product or service. Students are required to individually complete a marketing plan for a product or service that relates to their own organization. If students are not presently working they may choose a non-profit organization or small business in their geographical area to develop a marketing plan for them. With Section 6 Pages 760-769 in the full version text (or Pages 195-205 in the custom version) as a template students will have a realistic experience in analyzing data defining problems and opportunities setting objectives and devising strategies for a product or service. Marketing concepts students have learned in this class as well as other secondary research will be incorporated in this plan. Additional marketing plan information is posted in Blackboard in the Content folder.ASHLAND UNIVERSITYMBA 507 – MARKETING MANAGEMENTInstructor Evaluation Name:Marketing Plan Date: A. Executive Summary: Focus on the major market opportunity and the key elements of the marketing plan that are designed to capitalize on the opportunity. Included in this section is an introduction to the marketing opportunity the major aspects of the marketing plan and a budget statement.Possible Points: 10 Points Received:B. Introduction: Discusses the purpose of the report how it is organized and what will be covered in the subsequent sections. For new products this section explains the product concept and why it is expected to be successful. For existing products the major focus is on the brand’s performance in the last 3-5 years. Use of charts and graphs to illustrate performance.Possible Points: 10 Points Received:C. Situation Analysis: Focuses on the most critical and relevant information that will affect the success or failure of the proposed plan. Discussion of the competitive environment/competitive analysis and other environmental factors such as economic technology legal political government or social/societal changes. Include a SWOT Analysis in this section.Possible Points: 20 Points Received:D. Marketing Planning: Thoroughness of the discussion of three major elements: marketing objectives target markets and the marketing mix (Product Price Promotion Place/Distribution). Discussion of market research if planned.Possible Points: 20 Points Received:E. Implementation and Control: Thoroughness of discussion and justification of how the marketing plan will be implemented evaluated and measured. Comparison of results with stated objectives. Include a chart for sequencing tasks and milestones.Possible Points: 15 Points Received:F. Financial Analysis: Discussion of revenue and cost breakdown and estimated return on investment/ breakeven point where appropriate.Develop sales forecasts and estimates of marketing costs.Possible Points: 15 Points Received: G. References: Document sources using APA format of all secondary information that was used in developing the marketing plan. Must include outside research not just company research in writing your marketing plan.Possible Points: 10 Points Received:Overall Rating:Possible Points: 100 Total Points Received:Comments: