To access the lab, open this week’s Learning Activities folder and click Lab Exercise: Introduction to AWS IAM” and “Lab Exercise: Build Your VPC Console and Launch a Web Server.”


To access the lab, open this week’s Learning Activities folder and click Lab Exercise: Introduction to AWS IAM” and “Lab Exercise: Build Your VPC Console and Launch a Web Server.”

Complete the Lab Exercise: Introduction to AWS IAM” and “Lab Exercise: Build Your VPC Console and Launch a Web Server lab exercises in Vocareum.

Take a screenshot of the completed lab exercises before clicking End Lab.” Your screenshot should show Lab complete.

Open a Microsoft Word document and paste the screenshot into the document.

Compose a 1-page reflection highlighting what you learned this week and/or any challenges you encountered with this weeks lab exercises and how you overcame them.

Submit your lab reflection as a single document that includes both your screenshot(s) and your reflection.