DIT discussion6


Read and critique the following:

Panagiotis, I. G., &  Sfetsos , P. (2007). Agile software development quality assurance  


It would appear from the research article that the planning poker technique for estimating project timelines provides a means to provide greater accuracy in assessing project delivery dates. However, at the inception of a complex project, expected delivery dates and cost estimates are often required to secure funding for the project over its duration. Cost and timeliness overruns from those initial estimates will lead to requests for increases in project funding and deadline extensions. Management can be highly critical of missed estimates and will look for explanations. What approach would you take to provide management with estimated delivery dates and costs that are meant to secure funding for a complex project, under the assumption that an agile approach to project management is the chosen methodology?


Review the journal article below and provide a summary of your understanding of the message of the study in one paragraph. 

This short essay should be 100 words (not including references) and you must provide evidence for your position using 1 academic or professional sources. 

Gallo, A. (2018). Chapter 13: A Refresher on Statistical Significance. In HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press. (see attached)