Writing 1 Running Head: WRITING

Writing 1Running Head: WRITINGIncreasing International Cooperation to Eliminate Human TraffickingSTUDENT NAME:PROFESSOR’S NAME:COURSE NUMBER:DATE: Writing 2IntroductionGenerally this position paper/essay presents Haiti’s actual position on the topic:increasing international cooperation to eliminate human trafficking. Along with this this positionpaper would also provide important and significant information in the context of humantrafficking in Haiti. Moreover this essay would also offer a brief discussion on the significanceof Increasing International Cooperation to Eliminate Human Trafficking.What is Human Trafficking?Basically human trafficking can be defined as the acquisition or purchase of humanbeing/people by improper illegal and unethical means such as fraud force or deception withthe purpose of exploiting them. In addition to this it should also be noted down that in thecurrent time human trafficking is considered one of the most serious form of transnationalorganized crime. So it can be said that human trafficking is the key issues in the front of globalworld (Chiswick & Miller 2014).Haiti’s Actual Position With regards to Increasing International Cooperation to EliminateHuman TraffickingIt is also analyzed that Haiti is one of the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere with80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty. In addition tothis it is also found that two-thirds of all Haitians depend on the agricultural sector mainlysmall-scale subsistence farming and remains vulnerable to damage from frequent naturaldisasters exacerbated by the country’s widespread deforestation (Winterdyk Perrin & Reichel 2011).In addition to this it is also observed that Human Trafficking is one of the major andserious issues in the Haiti because as compare to other nations Haiti has more cases of human Writing 3trafficking. In the same way in order to deal with this issue various steps and strategies are usedby the government of Haiti with the cooperation and support of the other nation of the globalworld. Moreover from the 2006 various nations and the government of Haiti comes with apowerful tool and instrument the United Nations Convention on Transnational Organized Crime that focus on various specific protocols in the context of how to stop and control the issues ofhuman trafficking Haiti in an effective and more specific manner (Efrat 2012).On the other hand the conference and its protocols provided specific and generallyaccepted definitions in the context of transnational organized crime such as what is “traffickingin human beings”. Along with this it also provided guidelines and suggestions that how thegovernment Haiti can effectively address the different forms of organized crime. In the sameway several ways are also recommended for the government of Haiti to effectively address andremove such serious issues in an effective and comprehensive manner. Moreover in relation toprosecution of these crimes international cooperation also focused on mutual legal assistance extradition confiscation of assets (Skinner 2013).Additionally in order to deal with such serious issues a network of NGOs functioning onavoidance of human trafficking was developed for the first time in Haiti by the United NationsOffice on Drugs and Crime in association with ATSEC India. Moreover a three days regionalworkshop on “International Cooperation in Trafficking is also organized for the purpose toovercome the human trafficking issues in Haiti. With regards to this various prosecutors policeofficers senior government officials judges experts in legal and criminal justice matters etc wasinvested in this workshop to give their views about how to reduce and overcome the issues ofhuman tracking properly (Efrat 2012). Writing 4Moreover in the context of this all the participants involved in the workshop agreed thathuman trafficking is one of the serious challenges and there is a need to quickly and effectivelyaddress. In this way a mutual agreement was created to deal with issues of human trafficking inHaiti with the cooperation and coordination of all the participants. In the same way participatingcountries agreed on the several guidelines recommendations to overcome the human traffickingissues effectively and properly (Winterdyk Perrin & Reichel 2011).Conclusion/RecommendationOn the basis of above discussion it can be concluded that In order to prevent the humantrafficking issues Haiti would work with the Member States. In addition to this it would alsomake sure that all the criminal justice practitioners including judiciary prosecution and lawenforcement are properly and effectively trained in all concerns in relation to internationalcooperation. On the other hand there is also major task of creating of national data bases mapping the crimes trends and exchange of data and information in continues basis. Moreover promoting the regional collaboration on repatriation of victims of trafficking is another majortask to deal with this issue (Chery 2011). Writing 5ReferencesChery R. (2011). Women and Children’s Tribulation In Haiti. USA: Xlibris Corporation 2011Winterdyk J. Perrin B. & Reichel P. (2011). Human Trafficking: Exploring the InternationalNature Concerns and Complexities.USA: CRC Press.Skinner B. (2013). A Crime So Monstrous: A Shocking Exposé of Modern-Day Sex Slavery Human Trafficking and Urban Child Markets. USA: Random House.Chiswick B. & Miller P. (2014). Handbook of the Economics of International Migration.USA:Elsevier.Efrat A. (2012). Governing Guns Preventing Plunder: International Cooperation against IllicitTrade. USA: Oxford University Press.