Project Management Plan


Using the scenario that was selected by you in Week 2; 

Write a 1200 word paper that contains:

a 800-word section regarding a Risk Management Plan in which you include the following:

        Identify potential risks (there should be at a minimum 3 risks identified) for the project and discuss how you developed/determined the list (i.e. there are various techniques to identify risk….one is to use a brainstorming session) . NOTE: These are risks for the project….not risks that will occur once day-day operations of the project begins….focus on the project phases here.

        Discuss the likelihood and impact analysis of those identified risks. Do not just say the risk is “High” and leave it at that, you need to discuss the way you arrived at/performed the analysis. Discuss for each risk you have identified.

        Discuss how you will manage (i.e. mitigate, accept, transfer, etc) each of those risks you have identified.

As a hint….there are 3 topics/areas to discuss which means there should be 3 sections/areas in the paper body….follow the order given to you above which logically lays out the steps to develop the risk plan.

  • Section 1: Risks/how they were determined
  • Section 2: Of the risks you just told me, discuss likelihood/impact
  • Section 3: How those 3 risks will be managed

a 400-word section regarding a Project Control Plan in which you discuss control mechanisms for this project.

Format your project plan consistent with APA guidelines.