2 discussions+5replies for each



You have just been hired as CEO for an organization that misses deadlines, has quality issues, and does not have good structures or processes in place. You’ve been tasked with implementing total quality management (TQM) throughout the organization.  You are going to hold a meeting to identify what you expect going forward.  Please create a business-like PowerPoint presentation “Adopting a TQM Mindset” that would be appropriate to present to all employees.  Include the following in your presentation:

  • Define TQM and provide some history and context for it
  • Explain how TQM can improve profitability, referencing at least 2 companies who have published their experience implementing TQM practices (1990 – present)
  •  Identify the scope of a new project you will be implementing to infuse TQM throughout the organization:
    • Briefly define it in a scope statement of about 3 – 4 sentences
    • Identify at least 5 high level goals the project will accomplish
    • Identify 2 -3 measurable deliverables for each goal
  • Provide a timeline for each of the goals (i.e., a roadmap or similar graphic)
  • Provide a “next steps” plan, letting the employees know what to expect in the upcoming months.

Assignment parameters include:

  • You must cite outside references (minimum 5) that are not wikis, dictionaries, or blogs
  • At least 13 slides (plus title slide and references slide), so 15 slides total minimum (maximum of 25, please).
  • A business-like slide design, concise bulleted lists/brief phrases and proper spelling is expected. This is as much about the content as it is about creating a professional business presentation. See rubric below.
  • No voice-over or notes pages are needed.
  • All verbiage is to be your own; no quotes please.  You will lose points! Include in-text citations (right on the slide) when you paraphrase something you researched, and a references section. 

The following formatting details will help ensure you the best grade:

  • Use at least a 18-pt font throughout your presentation and maintain a consistent font type
  • Use images/charts/diagrams judiciously to support your presentation.
  • Select a business-like slide design (avoid plain black-and-white).
  • Don’t use a distracting or “artsy” design; watch font colors/background colors (gray on black isn’t readable, for example).
  • Conciseness in a presentation is valued; don’t be wordy and write paragraphs. Distill your knowledge! Bullets/short phrases are best.
  • Proof for spelling/grammar errors. Write in a business-like manner. Be consistent throughout.




100 Points Possible

18- 20





80 Points Possible

TQM Definition

20 pts

Well-defined, thorough yet concise, with the definition, history and context of TQM clearly indicated.

Lacking slightly and either not well-defined or the definition, history and context of TQM are not entirely clear.

Lacking in significant ways: either not well-defined or the definition, history and context of TQM are not listed (or unclear).

Does not appropriately articulate the definition, history and context of TQM.  

20 pts

Clearly identified 3 or more ways in which TQM can help with profitability, citing outside research (identifying at least 2 companies).  

Identified 1 or 2 ways in which TQM can help with profitability, citing outside research (identifying at least 2 companies).  

Identified 1 or 2 ways in which TQM can help with profitability, without citing outside research identifying 1 company.  

Did not identify ways in which TQM can help with profitability nor discuss outside companies.

New TQM Project

20 pts


Clearly defined the scope statement and identified at least 5 high level goals including 2 -3 measurable deliverables for each goal

Clearly defined the scope statement and identified at 5 high level goals including 2 -3 measurable deliverables for each goal but the goals OR deliverables were lacking in clarity or relevance.

Did not clearly define the scope statement OR identified < 5 high level goals OR had fewer than  2 -3 measurable deliverables for each goal OR the goals OR deliverables were lacking in clarity or relevance.

Did not clearly define the scope statement and high- level goals were not clearly stated, and deliverables were not appropriate or not measurable and were lacking in clarity or relevance.

Timeline and Next Steps
20 pts

Next steps were identified and a timeline clearly indicated the expected progress of the plan. 

Next steps were mostly identified clearly and a timeline clearly indicated the expected progress of the plan. 

Next steps were either not well identified OR a timeline did not clearly indicate the expected progress of the plan. 

Timeline and next steps were not completed or were far too light.

20 Points Total

Professional Design
20 pts

Look of entire PPT is clean and business-like, with original writing with no spelling errors. A consistent business-like design (including images and font choices) is used throughout.

Adequate number of slides.

PPT lacks some professional aspects (inconsistent font, or lack of any supporting images for example) or contains spelling errors or some non-original work. Adequate number of slides.

PPT is not done in a professional, consistent manner OR verbiage is copied from outside sources (but cited appropriately).

Too few/too many slides.

Unoriginal writing is not cited and overall PPT design is lacking. Too few/too many slides.



Helpful information:

American Society for Quality at 

APA Source/Instructions:

  • and

PPT Tips excerpted from: .

  • Keep Your Slides Simple
    This is one of the most important PowerPoint presentation tips to follow when designing your slides. Keep in mind that less is more (effective.) A cluttered slide is distracting. It causes confusion for an audience: which part of the slide should I focus on?
  • Limit Words on Your Slides
    Less is more effective. Minimize bullets/phrases to just a few simple words. Your audience (here, your professor) should not be reading paragraphs.
  • Use High-Quality Photos and Graphics
    One of the more important tips for PowerPoint presentations is to be sure to use high-quality photos and graphics. People are more likely to take you seriously if your presentation is visually appealing. Users view attractive design as more usable. Similarly, they’ll view a more attractive PowerPoint as more effective.
  • Use Accurate and Relevant Charts and Graphs [if relevant]
    Charts and graphs can also be distracting if they’re not used right. For example, make sure your information design is simple and clean so that the audience doesn’t spend the entire time trying to decipher what your x-axis says.


Smith, B. (2019). 43 Effective PowerPoint Presentation Tips (To Improve Your Skills). Retrieved from