DB4 Resonse



Micah Smith 


It is advisable to acquire a company within the European Union (EU) because there are several benefits that would help the company be strategically placed for success.   The EU has a significant foothold in helping to develop positive collaboration, communication and development of goods/service markets to increase the quality of living for consumers.   It encourages peace, diversity, economic and social solidarity among the countries that are included in its circle of reach.  For example, there have been several treaties since 1952 that have helped to build a democratic basis for participation within the EU for countries that is built upon the law that could be implemented as a common thread of understanding for EU members.  The implication is that exclusive competences such as competition rules for internal market and monetary policy for correlation to the Euro can be established.   Also, shared competences such as social, territorial and economic cohesion can occur.  A third benefit of supporting competence such as protection of culture, tourism, and disaster prevention can be supplemented with more ease.   For MNCs, investing in financial markets outside of their own country could produce the ability to use technological advances to their benefit, improve efficiency, minimize costs and gain competitive advantage by reaching more consumers on a global scale (Shantanu, Suil & Brewer, 2018).  This will be discussed in more detail in the discussion section.


EU countries are comprised of a group of countries that have common interests, want to work together for stability and share in making decisions that alignment with interactions/business in multi-countries that they all with align and abide to work in an agreeable environment that is beneficial for them all (Zeitlin, Nicoli, & Laffan, 2019).  MNCs are organizations that produces and/or delivers services in more than one country on a global level (Shantanu, Suil & Brewer, 2018).  They make products abroad, are considered large with an emphasis on intellectual capital, deals/interacts with large amount of consumers and competitors and have a structured way of decision making. MNCs fall into three main categories:  horizontal integration, vertical integration or diversified.  EU countries have and concern/issue/idea, it goes to commission, then parliament, then national/local authorities, and the final comment for implementation when passed.  The EU banks works independently of government interference which helps in price stability and the supply/demand of money interest rates.


Security and stability are two significant factors for not having a company that works within the EU.   The main idea is that navigating rules and international law would be more strenuous, particularly for companies that are not knowledgeable of what is acceptable in terms of social and economic resources that are available for businesses.  Also, if a natural disaster occurs, there would not be a support system in place to help with recovery efforts.  A second benefit is that EU countries have a mutual understanding and agreement regarding common values and initiatives which makes collaboration of corporate social responsibility easier to do.  For example, if two EU countries are trying to do something to save the environment (i.e-water pollution or saving the rain forest) they can collaborate on research and share data.  Disadvantages of not being a part of EU can reveal itself as inefficiency of policies, less democratic efforts and more bureaucracy in securing business adventures, and the costs of business may be higher.  For the choice of being included, the disadvantage to this would be loss of economic ties should those companies in countries not in EU are not able to work with my company since it would be a part of the EU.  Also, loss of independent monetary policies since being a part of the EU would mean adopting their policies for the company.

With MNCs and working with outside financial markets can open opportunities for lower interest rates which help with transportation costs (Zhang, Jiang & Cantwell, 2019).   It can also help in building an international brand with name recognition.  The benefit is in increasing career/job opportunities, training people in new skills that help raise financial stability for those employed and generates more money being put into the community.  The implication is increased incomes and higher standard of living which benefits sales of goods/services provided.  This also holds true for many other financial institutions who provide credit outside their home country.  It allows for them to take advantage of incentives that normally would not be available to them.  


To summarize, being a part of the EU is more beneficial than not being in it.  MNCs have incentives and benefits from investing funds in financial markets outside of their own country and other financial institutions can benefit from incentives and efficiency of funds by providing credit to financial markets outside of their own country that can possibly result in lower tax rates, incentive packages that benefit the organization and the employees and a higher rate of return for loans.  Consumers benefit from less checks at customs for purchases between EU countries.  EU is the biggest contributor to development aid when compared to Japan and the United States (Zeitlin, Nicoli, & Laffan, 2019).  The implication is that being a part of the EU helps in securing funding faster.


Peggy Taylor

European Commission authorizes Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine for use in the Eu


The European Commission on Monday authorized Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for conditional use, opening the door to an inoculation program across the European Union. Europe is on track to start vaccinations within a week, regulators said. Vaccine authorizations are picking up pace just as European countries tighten.

Writing an executive summary for a proposal

Step 1: Start with an attention-grabbing opening.

Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending articles commenting Pfizer spend months working to extract sixth dose from vitals as vaccine production shortfalls loomed.

Step 2: Define the problem of Pfizer

Safety is a key concern among health officials and expert participants in both the Pfizer-BioNTech  and Moderma trials experienced side effects after vaccination, including injection-site pain-fever, chills, headaches, muscle aches and joint pain.

Pfizer face a growing number of lawsuits in 2018 involving some of its popular drugs. In the past, courts dismissed thousand of lawsuits against Pfizer. The company also agreed to settle cases over illegal marketing and health care fraud Pfizer settlement and fine.

Step 3: Describe the solution and expected outcome

Pfizer will supply the US with 200 million Covid-19 vaccine doses, 2 months sooner than expected because of ‘extra doses extractable from vials.

Step 4: Provide evidence that Pfizer can deliver

Pfizer to deliver U.S. vaccine doses faster than expected. By Jan. 6, 2021 the work paid off. Pfizer won approval from the Food and Drug Administration to say its vials contained six doses, instead of the five the agency had approved less than a month earlier with its Dec. 11 emergency authorization of the vaccine. In the United States, Pfizer has committed to distributing 120 million doses before the end of March; another 100 million that was expected by the end on June will now be available by the end of May, according to the company.

The addition of 20 percent more vaccine per vial will allow Pfizer to accelerate distribution in Europe and the United States.


Latezie Walker

Hello class,

     I am fascinated with the Golden Supreme Rainbow stove kit. The kit is available at Golden Supreme, Sally Beauty Supply, House of Beauty, and Hair World. The ad caught my attention because of the ample array of items available in one organizational kit. The kit is available in a multitude of colors. The particular advertisement that caught my attention was at Sally Beauty Supply. Sally Beauty Supply is a reputable company.

     Sally Beauty Supply retails the Golden Supreme Rainbow stove kit for $429. They have a location near me. If I decide to order, I can avoid shipping and handling fees if I ship the kit to Sally Beauty Supply and pick it up from their company. I took notice of the ad because of there location convenience. Sally Beauty Supply has many locations in town therefore, if the color I prefer is not available at a particular store, I can easily locate another Sally location to purchase the Golden Supreme Rainbow stove kit color I want. 

     I prospected the Golden Supreme Rainbow stove kit online. The use of the search engine delivered exceptional response. There were retailers offering the kit at a lower value, but I assumed by the time tax and shipping and handling is calculated I will pay more than what I anticipate to pay at Sally. There were not very many kit options to choose from that are endorsed under a different name brand available for viewing at Sally Beauty Supply. The limited selection of kits increases the likelihood to purchase the Golden Supreme Rainbow stove kit.


Brenda Allen

I love Manuka Honey Drops I found these by doing a search for organic cough drops and they came up on different websites such as Amazon, iHerb, Walmart, CVS Pharmacy and the Vitamin Shoppe, I choose Amazon.  The Manuka Honey Drops were advertised in a bright Green Box Manuka, Eucalyptus and Bee Propolis; Yellow Box Manuka, Lemon and Bee Propolis and Red Box Manuka, Ginger with Echinacea.

Amazon sells the Manuka Honey Drops for $8.66 on their website which is cheaper than on other websites and stores and if you have Amazon Prime you get them in two days, I have received them as early as the next day.   I choose the bright green box it tastes like a mixture of honey, eucalyptus and mint.  The texture is real smooth reminding me of old school candies, but very low in sugar, with medicinal effects.