Critical Literature Review


Assignment due date and Time

Week 5 Submission, February 19 2021 (1900 hrs, 7 pm Singapore Time).


2000 words maximum (+/- 10%)
(exclusive of references, appendices etc.)

Feedback mode:

Based on the Research Skills Development Framework and to AQF6/7 criteria.

Learning objectives assessed:

CLO1: Integrate and apply contemporary Ethics & Governance issues in a business context

CLO6: Effectively communicate ethics and governance concepts and arguments in a logical manner

Assessment declaration:

By submitting all work for this assessment you have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the .

Getting trained and immersed in ethics and governance scholarly literature can be challenging, that students of this important subject need to understand, that to become future ethical business leaders and contributors. The purpose of this assignment is to build up your ability to bridge normative theories and scholarly readings.

From each of these readings, identify whether each uses Deontology, Teleology or Virtue ethics, or a combination to justify their approach. While it may seem like a challenging reading task, please remember, the use of these four readings actually makes your assignment easier.

Assignment 1 Readings

1Gupta R. 2019, Ethics and ethical dilemmasa practical approach. Vinimaya. 2019; Vol: 40 No 1, pp. 519.2Hiekkataipale, M. and Lms, A.-M. (2017), (A)moral agents in organisations? The significance of
ethical organisational culture for middle managers exercise of moral agency in ethical
problems, Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 155, No. 1, 1471613Reddy Y.R.K., 2009, The ethics of corporate governance An Asian perspective, International Journal of Law and Management, Vol. 51 No. 1, pp. 17-264Christensen, SL. and Kohls J, 2003, Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis A Framework for Analysis, Business & Society, Vol. 42 No. 3, 328-358.