

Image result for stages of change

First, I want you to pick something that you have been thinking about changing in your life (maybe a major decision) yet you have been on the fence in doing it or unsuccessful in getting to it. Something that you are willing to talk about in class that’s appropriate. It must be meaningful (Not something like — I have been thinking about changing the shower curtain). It may be something that you have attempted to change in the past or maybe not. Yet, it is something that is often at the forefront in your thinking or that you are waiting for a “perfect” time to do it.  Be concrete, just pick one thing, e.g., I want to go on a diet to lose 10 lbs, I want to start going to the gym several times a week, I have been thinking of getting a personal training certificate, or I want to quite smoking. Once you name it, access the article from the UMUC library, In Search of How People Change: Applications to addictive behaviors by Prochaska, DiClemente, and Norcross. Source: The American Psychologist. Sept, 1992, Vol. 47 Issue 9, p1102, 13 p. Read this seminal work. Then read this client-version:

Then write your post. Introduce what you have been thinking about changing specifically, then use the resource link above (only) and discuss the stage that you are currently in and justify in detail (a sentence or two won’t do) why you selected this stage versus others. Make sure you indicate why you are not in the other stages too. There are many people who have fraudulently taken this model and added stages — only use this resources.  Don’t take a short-cut and only read the client-friendly version 🙂 because your post will reflect this. Remember always paragraph form — and this is a minimum of a 2 paragraph submission for your own post. Your responses to others should be well thought out no advice giving. In addition, you can respond to others with only the references/links provided in this DQ.

This stage of change model is used in alcohol treatment programs to determine treatment strategies!