busi DB2 response

  The required word amount (of 250-350 words), which does not include references or the title, has been met. 

Jennifer Curtiss

Paul S. Edwards

BUSI 300 B08

22 February 2021

Prompt: Provide at least two ways graphics can be used to increase the effectiveness of a presentation and two ways graphics can hinder a presentations effectiveness.

The Balance in Using Visual Graphics

The use of visual graphics can enhance a presentation and make information more manageable if a balance is found so as not to distract the audience. The key to preparing effective graphics is selecting an appropriate graphic for the data and developing a clean, simple design that allows the reader or audience to quickly extract the needed information and meaning (Lehman, et al., 2020, Section 10-2a).

According to Nancy Duarte of Duarte Design, Visuals can bolster a presentation (2005), adding dimensionality, perspective, and a realistic look to a presentation. Graphics, used sparingly, can make an ordinarily dull presentation more appealing to the audience reinforcing important points to the data being communicated. Yet, poorly designed visuals can become distracting from information, causing the audience to lose focus on the content. The medium in which the information is being presented should also be considered. For instance, 3-D graphics can look muddy and gradients may not print well in a written format. Yet, these types of graphics may pop in a PowerPoint program. For this reason, gradients, 3-D graphics, and decorative visuals should be avoided or used sparingly in the business environment.

Visuals can also breakdown large amounts of data to a visually manageable size for interpretation. Financial statements, surveys and comparison studies are best illustrated using graphics such as tables, charts, or diagrams. Presenting this information graphically makes it much easier to understand than a written explanation (Lehman, et al., 2020, Section 10-3f). However, too many visuals, can become distracting from information. For this reason, it is critical to save graphics for information that is difficult to convey by simply using words.

Visual graphics are expected in todays business culture. Furthermore, they provide an integral dimension by enhancing presentations and communicating information. Yet, a balance is needed to know when and how to present information graphically so as not to distract from presentation content.


Duarte, N. (2005). Creating Photoshop-esque graphics using PowerPoints drawing tools.
Presentations, 19(10), 14-15.

Lehman, C., DuFrene, D., & Walker, R. (2020). BCOM (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.