Reading articles and Answering questions based on these articles


the total number of words of this assignment, excluding references, is no more than 600 words.

Link your answers explicitly to the different questions, but do not repeat the questions.

Your answers should draw on and refer to the required readings of the relevant session.

Full references of sources used are to be mentioned in a reference list at the end of your assignment.

the following criteria:

a) explanation of relevant theoretical concepts and relations;

b) correct application of theoretical insights;

c) completeness of your answers; and

d) concision of your answers (i.e. being to-the-point).


There are different ways of identifying corporate stakeholders.

a. How do the different enterprise logics identified by Crilly and Sloan (2012) relate to the financial returns to stakeholder engagement in Henisz, Dorobantu, and Nartey (2014), and why?

b. In what two respects do the stakeholder identification by Crilly and Sloan (2012) differ from the stakeholder identification by Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (1997), and why?


Which two insights from each of three readings for this session are particularly useful for firms seeking to engage their stakeholders, and why?


Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (1997) identify three attributes for establishing stakeholder salience.

Esposito, Tse, and Soufani (2018) compare the linear economy to the circular economy.

a. What three stakeholders are more salient in the circular economy, and why?

b. Based on the attributes by Mitchell and coauthors, what are three difficulties to effectively engage these more salient stakeholders, and why?