Subject Name: Project Management Processes 

The journal indicated below describes a national project. Based on the journal, and on your teams understanding of the project, answer the questions below:

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000332  

Journal title: “1976 Montreal Olympics: Case Study of Project Management Failure”

 1. Was it an internal or external project? Provide a rationale.  5Marks

 2. Identify at least 10 major stakeholders for the project. 5 Marks

 3. What were the needs or expectation of each stakeholder? 5 Marks

 4. Identify and describe at least 5 most important resources used in the project. 5 Marks

 5. What was the alternative approach for the project (i.e. if the stadium had not been built, what else could have been done to ensure the Olympics still occurred)? 5Marks

 6. Based on (5) above, was building the stadium at this location and at this time the best approach to have been chosen?  Provide rationale using PV, NPV, IRR, B/C. [1 page]  20Marks

 7. Provide two Level 3 Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) for this project. These two should be the initial (or planned) and final (or actual) WBS. Explain the difference  [2 pages]  20Marks

 8. Based on (7), was there evidence of scope creep in the project? Provide a rationale. 5Marks 

 9.  Create one network diagram for the project using the final WBS in (7) above [1 page]   30Marks

 10. Use the Level 2 tasks in the final WBS to create one GANTT chart for the project. [1 page]  30 Marks

 11. Use the initial and final WBS to create two high-level budgets for the project. These two should be the initial and final budgets. Explain the difference. [2 pages]  30Marks

 12. Using the risk sources, describe three major (broad) categories of risks in the project. 6 Marks

 13. Using a table, list at least ten individual risks ranked by severity, and also link each of them to one of the categories in (12) above [1 page ]    20Marks

 14. For each risk in (13) above, describe at least one thing that was done or could have been done to mitigate that risk.     5Marks

 15.Was their adequate quality management processes in place (including quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control)? Provide a rationale.   4Marks 

 16. Was there adequate outsourcing in the project? Provide a rationale.  5 Marks

 17. The journal-title indicates this project was a failure. Do you agree? Provide a rationale.    5Marks

 18. If anyone in your group was appointed the project manager for this project, what would you have done differently to make this project successful?  5Marks

19.  Describe at least five major lessons that can be learned from this project.    5 Marks

20. Other Abstract, Introduction, Conclusion (one paragraph each)    10Marks

 21. Other Effective APA (Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced, in-text citations, grammar, reference list, etc)       10 Marks

 22. Other Considerations    5Marks