Eating Disorders


Eating Disorders — Discuss several of these. Include 3 full APA evidence-based citations.

~What is anorexia nervosa? Describe the population that is most at risk. What psychological factors and societal factors are involved? What evidence might lead you to suspect that someone has anorexia nervosa? What roles do advertising and certain pro-anorexia sites play in encouraging anorexia nervosa? What are the nutrition and health consequences of anorexia nervosa? How is anorexia nervosa treated? How successful is treatment?

~Describe the behaviors that are classified as bulimia. What evidence might lead you to suspect that someone has bulimia? What are the nutrition and health consequences of bulimia? How is bulimia treated?

~Describe the behaviors that are classified as binge eating. Why do you think that people binge eat? What evidence might lead you to suspect that someone is binge eating? What are the nutrition and health consequences of binge eating? Can you cure yourself from binge eating? What professional treatment is used for binge eaters?

~ What is pica? Why does pica occur? What kinds of non-foods are ingested in pica? What are the technical names used to describe the specific pica disorders? What are the nutrition and health consequences of pica?