Post your response for this discussion forum, and don’t forget to reply to at least one of your classmates:
Please watch the documentary on Miami Dade County jails.
You can click on the link or copy the link and paste it into a new window to view the video in YouTube:
Behind Bars: The Worlds Toughest Prisons – Miami, Dade County Jail, Florida, USA | Free DocumentaryDuration: 48:01
User: n/a – Added: 11/5/18YouTube URL:
Using information from the video and your textbook answer the following questions:
- Discuss the demographics of the jail inmates.
- Describe the jail facilities.
- Describe the jail staff.
- How does what you saw in the documentary compare to the information in your text? Be sure to cite specific examples and use data/statistics.
Remember your post must be at least 300 words and you must reply to at least one classmate’s post with a 100 word reply. You will not be able to see your classmate’s posts until you post your original response. Make sure your reply is completely different than your main post.