The Imperial Presidency


  • Identify the constitutional powers of the presidency.
  • Select two examples of the growth of presidential power during the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Support your examples with information obtained from the text and at least two academic articles.
    • Although you may use additional academic articles obtained from the Library, here are some notable academic articles:
      • Tushnet, M. (2015). . Dissent (00123846), 62(2), 101.
      • Savage C. [article]. Washburn Law Journal [serial online]. 2008;(2):299. Available from: HeinOnline, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 13, 2015.
      • Carey, G. W. (2007). . Modern Age, 49(4), 443-451.
      • Rudalevige, A. (2006). . Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
      • Boyer, P. (2010). . American Scholar, 79(2), 105-108.
  • How does the dramatic growth of the federal bureaucracy affect public policy?
  • Based on your understanding of the U.S. Constitution, how do you understand the increase in presidential power?
    • Does this increase in executive power decrease the authority of the legislative or judicial branch? If so, please provide a specific rationale.