I need help with my Week 7 | LinkedIn Presence for my Business Comm Class


(Due by Sunday, midnight of your time zone in Week 7)

Your Summary

The next step to building up your Executive Presence in your LinkedIn profile is to create an engaging and informative summary. Your summary goes below your picture and headline, in the section titled About. Your goal here is to describe your key skills and talents in a compelling way that will impress the audience viewing your LinkedIn profile.

Before revising your summary, ask yourself the following:

  • Is your summary interesting? What does it say about you?
  • Is it clear and concise?
  • Do you use stories and stats to generate interest?
  • Are you targeting your ideal audience?
  • Does your profile emphasize what makes you unique and valuable?
  • Does your profile communicate that you are a confident leader who gets results?

Work on enhancing your summary and then share it this week.

Example of others

 RE: Week 7 | LinkedIn Presence

Being a patient navigator is precisely what people think it is like. I am the co-worker at my workplace that everyone wants to be involved with but nobody wants to be given my role. If a colleague wants to get something done fast, I am the one they come to- they all know that! Yet not one single person has ever been interested to do what I do due to the requirements such as personal effort and time that ensures other people have a go-to person.

Luckily, I am always ready to work since I am organized and interested in making peoples lives better one day at a time. It brightens my day and brings joy to my heart when I see people happy based on what I did for them. Many things can help an organization grow and develop, and among them are dependability and trust, which I pride myself in.

When am not working, I am always in my hometown helping other people. The act of interacting with other people out of work helps me build my social life by making new friends. Since I have the right interaction skills, I always find it easy to blend in with people who have different personalities. I have grown to become a people person, which is greatly influenced by my interaction with people at work.

I am a strong believer in my goals and objectives in life, which makes me support others in achieving their goals. I will bend my own rules to ensure that I assist others in every possible way to support their dreams. However, I understand that sometimes I have to hold my ground if it comes down to that.