Access Control



You are provided with the text sheet entitled Integrated Distributors Incorporated (access_project_ts_integrateddistributors.docx) to complete this project. You play the dual role of an IT architect and IT security specialist working for Integrated Distributors Incorporated (IDI), a multi-national organization with offices in several countries. Your instructor for this course plays the role of the chief information officer (CIO). Your peers play the role of selected technology staff. Each of the organizations locations is operating with different information technologies and infrastructureIT systems, applications, and databases. Various levels of IT security and access management have been implemented and embedded within their respective locations. 



Your goals as the IT architect and IT security specialist are to: 

  • Address remote user and Web site users secure access requirements.
  • Develop a proposed budget for the projectconsider hardware, software, upgrades/replacements, and consulting services.

one has to find office 365 upgrade cost for its thousand of employee
what antivirus to use and its cost
software policies restricting an employee from installing unauthorized software etc