counseling skills

The objective of this assignment is for you to develop a set of ten (10) questions you would ask the client at the first face-to-face meeting. This assignment will require you to work in 3-5 person teams. Teams will be assigned by me. The assignment is designed to simulate an actual face-to-face interview between the students and a client. I will play the role of the client.

Part One – Due the end of this Module
Read the scenario below.

With your teammates, discuss and decide on first ten (10) questions you would like to ask the client based on the information contained in the scenario.  DUE END OF THE FIRST WEEK OF THIS MODULE.

You should use this discussion area to share possible questions with your teammates . Only you, your classmates and instructor can see these discussion posts. The questions should be thoughtfully designed and based on the materials and current learning in this course. Your goal is to gather the information you need to begin to create a case management plan to best help your client.

For example:  “What are your children’s names?” and “What school do they go to?” — these would not be considered truly clarifying questions, nor would they help you better understand the issues or concerns of the client.

Then, someone in the group should post your final ten (10) questions using the subject line “FINAL TEN QUESTIONS”, at the end of the first week of this module including an explanation for the motivation behind asking each question. .

In turn, I will then read your FINAL TEN QUESTIONS and answer them pretending that I am the client. I will be evaluating and grading each of your contributions and post comments.  I WILL DO MY BEST TO RESPOND BY THE END OF THIS MODULE OR SHORTLY THEREAFTER!
Part Two – Due the end of the next Module
For this part, you will work solo!  You will review the “clients” answers to the Final Ten Questions your client/instructor answered in the Module 3 Discussion area.  You will then analyze and react to the questions and answers.  You will find more complete instructions in the M4 Part 2 of 2- Scenario 1 Written Response in the next module.

Client Scenario
two men talking in an office
CC-BY-SA-NC 2006 Nina Fatemi
Raymond is an employee of the ACME Financial Services Corporation. He has requested a meeting with you, the company Employee Assistance Program Specialist. On his referral form he states he is a single parent raising two teenaged children. Raymond is 37 years old and has been with the company for 13 years. He works as a financial analyst. He states he is depressed about his job and is thinking about quitting. He has been passed over for promotion two times in his career, and was recently not successful in another promotional opportunity one week ago. He feels he is not being promoted because of his children. He sometimes has to miss work when they are ill or there is a function at their school.

Before your first face-to-face meeting, you reviewed Raymonds work records. His annual employee performance evaluations state he is a highly competent employee who is a valuable asset to the company.

Your responsibility is to meet with Raymond and conduct an initial interview. During the initial interview you need to determine the exact nature of the issue, how to help him meet his personal needs while continuing to meet the needs of the company.