Adult humans need to sleep approximately 7 to 9 hours every night, children 10-12 hours every night. People can function with less sleep, but our motor skills, memory, concentration, and ability to learn are all diminished by sleep deprivation.

On February 24, your second major paper, a what if? paper with a clear thesis, will be due by 11 pm.  It must be at least 750 words long, word-processed and double-spaced, with your name and the accurate page number on every page (including the outline) saved as a Microsoft Word document, and submitted via Canvas by 11 pm on the due date.  Save the paper to your hard drive with the filename listed above.  Grammar, spelling, and overall neatness will certainly affect your final grade on the paper, so be sure that your paper goes through each of the five necessary stages of writing (pre-writing, outlining, composing, revising, and proofreading) and that you have time to write carefully and correct your paper before turning it in to me.  You must turn in a formal outline with the final paper or lose 5 points off the grade of the paper.In this paper, you will consider what would happen if a specific and dramatic change to our world took place.  You will trace out the effects and developmentsgood and badthat will result from the change.  You will assume that everything else about life on Earth has remained the same: only one change has happened, and it will naturally trigger consequential change.  Choose one of the topics below:  1.  Adult humans need to sleep approximately 7 to 9 hours every night, children 10-12 hours every night.  People can function with less sleep, but our motor skills, memory, concentration, and ability to learn are all diminished by sleep deprivation.  But what if, one day, adult humans were found to need only 4 hours of sleep in a week and children were found to need only 8 hours of sleep in a week with none of the usual effects of sleep deprivation?  What would people do being awake all that time?  How would schools, businesses, governments, families, and institutions adjust to this new reality?  Would this be a good thing overall or a bad thing?    Use what you know about causal chains, those series of events connected to each other by causation (a broken heel causing a woman to trip and fall, which causes her to break a bone in her foot, which causes her to go to the Emergency Room, which causes her to be sent home in a cast with orders to stay off her foot, which causes her to call in sick to work, which causes her to lose her job, which causes her to decide to take a chance and start the career shes always wanted: professional drummer.)  Be imaginative but be realistic and logical too.  When one thing happens, what follows as a natural result of that thing? This assignment allows you to be creative and imaginative but also requires that you think carefully through the cause and effect connections that would develop from such a large change in human existence.  Think about post-apocalyptic movies and tv shows youve watched, in which some great disasterdisease, zombies, extraterrestrial alienshas caused the collapse of normal social order.  Your job is to think about (and write about) what would happen after that collapse or re-ordering.  Consider each logical consequence to the change and what kind of effects each consequence would trigger.  Organize your paper to cover the first day, the first month, the first year, the first five years following the change.  Your conclusion must offer an opinion about whether the change was ultimately a good or bad thing. 

Please read the full topic listed above. Also its a cause and effect paper. I need a formal outline aswell. Thank you.