Discussion 2: Violent Borders, Chapters 4



Initial Post (at least150 words)

For your initial post, explain what you believe to be the most compelling, revealing, or problematic argument Jones makes in Chapter 4 and relate any particular examples, facts, or statistics that stood out to you. Explain your reasoning and explain how the content of your post relates or connects to one or more of the border issues discussed in the first three chapters of the book or any relevant research you find interesting or important to include. (Always cite your sources by indicating page numbers for any quotes you may have used from the book and linking in URLs to any research conducted. See helpful Canvas Guides below). 

Reply to Two Posts (50 WORD FOR EACH)

Respond to two of you peers’ posts by acknowledging the significance (and accuracy) of the information presented by your peers, and add on to their work by discussing how it connects to other arguments and/or other additional support from the chapter, other parts of the book, or your own research. If you have a different understanding of Jones’ argument or find any contradictory research, it is important to share this with your peers. (Use the toolbar to link in the URL to any source you use; you can also use the toolbar to embed any images or videos that you referenced. See Helpful Canvas Guides below).