Discuss: The Law & the Gospel

I do not have all the required reading for this assignment if you could please do your best and give me quality work to turn in I will give a 10 star rating!!!

Before you begin, take time to read through Galatians (Links to an external site.), 1 Thessalonians (Links to an external site.), and 2 Thessalonians (Links to an external site.). Consider making these books a part of your daily Bible reading so that you are well acquainted with their contents as you complete this week’s activities.

Then, read the following passages from your textbooks:

Blomberg, From Pentecost to Patmos, chapters 34 (Links to an external site.)
Dictionary of New Testament Background, “Thessalonica (Links to an external site.)”
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Judaizers (Links to an external site.)”
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Opponents of Paul (Links to an external site.)”
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Man of Lawlessness (Links to an external site.)”
Now, watch the following video:

In your initial post, respond to these prompts:

Identify at least 2 differences between the Law (Jewish boundary markers/Mosaic commands) and gospel (faith in Christ/the promise) in Galatians 3.
What is the effect of law-fixation for believers (relying upon the Law alone), as shown in Galatians 4:15:21?
What is the effect of looking to Christ in faith (the sphere of the Spirit) in Galatians 5:226:18?
In 1 Thessalonians, Paul has heard that the believers there had received the good news of the gospel by faith and that it was bearing fruit (good works flowing from faith). Identify 3 fruits that came about since the Thessalonians have embraced Christ by faith in Christ. State the fruits clearly and cite the passages in which their fruit is evident.
In 24 paragraphs, present your responses to the group. Make connections as appropriate to other course material, your experiences, or personal insights.