Hypothetical Monologue: Interview as a Judaizer or an Opponent of Paul

I do not have any of the required reading for this assignment, if you could do your best and give me quality work to turn in I will give you a 10 star rating!!!

This week, imagine that you are being interviewed as either a Judaizer in Galatia or an opponent of Paul in Thessalonica. You must carefully and thoughtfully respond to the following questions (each response should be roughly 35 sentences). Use your course materials in order to provide a robust and appropriate response.

Who are you, and in what city/region do you reside?
What precisely are you understanding this Paul the apostle to be saying? In other words, what is his core message as you understand it to be?
It seems that Paul’s message has really bothered you, among others. Can you tell us specifically why Paul’s message is so bothersome to you?
Since it bothers you so much, what have you been saying or doing to counteract Paul’s message and influence?
What do you think is the draw for the many people who have accepted Paul’s message? In other words, why do some people find it so compelling to join in with Paul?