Word Cloud: 2 Thessalonians

I do not have all the required readings for this assignment if you can give me quality work to turn in I will give you a 10 star rating!!!

Begin by reviewing 2 Thessalonians, the Blomberg textbook, course dictionaries, and other relevant materials.

Next, create a word cloud graphic organizer. A word cloud is a visual depiction of the important ideas pertaining to a topic. To create your word cloud, make a list of 1015 key words or phrases that explain or relate to the content presented in 2 Thessalonians. Use WordClouds.com (Links to an external site.) and the guide “How to create a word cloud (Links to an external site.)” to generate your word cloud. Be sure to explore the tools that allow you to highlight important terms/ideas by using color, shape, font, and size differentiation. Additionally, note the process to export your word cloud for submission. Be sure to export your image as a PDF.

Helpful tips:

You may wish to make more important words larger. To do this, you should repeat those words more times in the text box on the website.
If you wish to keep certain words of a phrase together in the final word cloud image, you should use a “~” between the words instead of spaces in the text box.
After you have created and exported your word cloud, write a 1-paragraph rationale of your choices regarding the sizes, colors, shapes, and words/phrases that you chose. This rationale should demonstrate your basic understanding of 2 Thessalonians and its implications in our study.