diversity awareness

Geneal  Studies class
Since I chose the prompt for Diversity awareness, I had to interview 5 different people and ask them 5 certain questions. It was interesting to interview people who did and didnt go to college because the answers I got were very different and helpful to understand some of the issues people face, and how they felt about their education journeys. My writing for this essay focuses on the diversity of views on education. I at first was going to use this to speak about gender issues we see in todays society, but that didnt fit the prompt like I thought it was going to.

For this assignment, interview five (5) people of various stages of life. In all cases, interview people who are of varying ages or come from a different cultural background. Interview some who went to college, others who did not, and perhaps a person who is currently with you in the closing phase of your college experience. Ask them some or all of the following questions, with the intention of seeing how school was both helpful and not so helpful in their lives.

If they had it to do over, would they have gone to school as long as they did?
Do they believe college is a detour on the way of life or a genuinely helpful segment of life that makes all that follows richer and more meaningful?
What obstacles did they encounter in their educational journeys? What actions and decisions did they make as a result of these obstacles?
Who do they remember from their learning days? Why does that person(s) stand out to them?
What would they have done differently if they could run through their training again?
Then write about your discussion with these five people, summarizing and highlighting the most important aspects. Reflect on their experiences by asking yourself questions such as these: Was something said that you wish you would have considered in your own educational journey? Did you gain a new perspective on why someone may have chosen a different path than you? Whose story impacted you the most? IMPORTANT: Do NOT simply list the interview questions and answers; formulate the responses into a reflective essay that focuses on education and the diversity of views on education.

Your paper should be at least 3 pages long, double-spaced (not including the Works Cited or References page). Use either MLA or APA document and citation style, as specified by your instructor.

When you have completed the paper, save it in a folder on your computer or flash drive which you are reserving for items you are collecting for your Capstone Portfolio. You may also use IvyLearn’s e-Portfolio tool to save possible papers in one place and send a link to your instructor (optional).