Module 1 Discussion 1 For Living the Theatre

 In this module, we are considering aspects of history, bias, etiquette, and their relation to the theatre.   First, review the YouTube clip of Hugh Jackmans response to a cell phone interruption during the run of his play A Steady Rain 

 Then, click on the link provided to read about the recent theatre/cell phone shooting in Florida:


What do you think about the use of electronic devices during theatrical presentations? How do you suppose the use of such technology differs from the type of experience you might have had at the earliest, ritualized theatrical presentations?  Will differing theatrical patrons have varying biases concerning the use of such devices in the theatre?  What might cause these biases and what are the pros and cons of using such devices? Is there a difference between the use of electronic devices in live theatre and in the cinema?  How does the use of electronic communication devices relate to your idea of theatrical etiquette?

Discuss.  Provide a link or citation to indicate where you found information that supports or is in opposition to your opinions, claims, definitions, or observations–or relates, substantively, to the topic at hand. 

[Note: If you find that the following clips will not open correctly, please cut and paste the URL into the address bar at the top of the screen.] 

As noted above, you are to review the YouTube clip of Hugh Jackmans response to a cell phone interruption during the run of his play A Steady Rain:

[Note: If you are having an issue with the link, just open Youtube and type the words “a steady rain jackman” into the search box.  The video appears first on the list under the title:  “From the Vault:  Hugh Jackman and Daniel Craig–Can You Hear Us…”]

The video is one minute and thirty-three seconds in length.

Then, click on the link provided to read about the recent theatre/cell phone shooting in Florida:


[If the above link does not work type the keywords “Curtis Reeves Jr. Wesley Chapel Cobb Theatre Shooting” into the Youtube search box and you will find several videos available.]

Provide a substantive response not only for your primary post but in your two response posts as well. A substantive response means that you have demonstrated a capacity for critical thought. Simple agreement or disagreement within a response post, without elucidating your opinion, does not constitute an interaction for which you will receive full credit. Check the course Overview for a fuller description of substantive response posts.

  They should be a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs in length, and be well-thought-out and well-written. Provide concrete examples from the readings to support postings. Integrate personal observations and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way. It doesn’t matter what format is used.