2 question about programming

Question 1 :  Introduction to R on DataQuest.comThere are two parts to this assignment:1) Finish the first course Introduction to R on DataQuest.com. The main objective of this short course is to introduce the foundational concepts and the data structures in R. The course is divided into six missions, you are required to finish the below (which are free of cost)as follows:

Introduction to programming in R

Working with Vectors

The assignment is to take screenshots of the completion of the three missions, paste them in a word document and submit.2) Open R-Studio on your computer and start a new script. Now type getwd() in the script and run it. Take the screenshot including the console screen that contains the version number and the working directory. Paste the screenshot in a word document and submit it.

1a) Importance of Programming

Write a short paragraph (< 100 words) on the importance of programming in data analytics. Also, write the advantage of open source language like R over other licensed programming software.

Requirements for Discussion Assignments

Compose a well-developed post (< 100 words) that is comprehensive in answering questions posed on the discussion board

Demonstrate integration of the required reading, other course materials, critical thinking, scholarly or peer-reviewed sources (as applicable), using APA. 

Question 2 :  

Go to this  site(https://www.postgresql.org/download/) to install PostgreSQL and pgadmin.Here is a  video tutorial(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFELFNII60U) on how to install Postgres on the Mac.

Extract the data.dump file from the attached data.zip file and use the psql command to create the sqlda database (see attached file)

Go to this  site(https://www.python.org/downloads/)  to install the latest Python distribution. 

Go to this  site(https://www.r-project.org/) to install the R programming language and this  site(https://rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/) to download the free R Studio development environment.

After watching this  video(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_Clau1bYco), install Git and Github. 

Submit one document with five screen shots from your computer. Include enough of the screen so the viewer can see that the image is of your computer.

1. sqlda tables in pgadmin

2 use l to show a list of your PostgreSQL databases

3. An Idle page with a hello World script (tutorial  here(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zurg16Q4UI) and  here(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOvqYw1SZJg))

4. Github

5. R Studio

Please make sure that your images are large enough and high enough resolution for the reader to see the text in your queries and the results. 
