The midterm paper will be a 6-8-page paper. I will give you two prompts to answer based on the readings we
have done in class so far. You will answer both promptsthink of it as two 3-4-page papers. During the week
of the midterms, study halls will be held to help with writing the paper. More detailed instructions will be
posted on MyCourses closer to the due date. The due date is Sunday, March 7th.
What makes the 1.5 generation so different from the other groups–are they so different from the other groups?
How has the 1.5 generation created their own sub-culture? Is it a sub-culture? How are the first generation and second generation part of the creation of culture, based on the readings weve had so far?
Pick a main concept–how has it evolved as time has passed. Exile? Diaspora? Culturation in its different forms (acc- trans- bi-)
How are parents pivotal in the influence in the next generation–or parental figures (intellectual parent). Im thinking here of Urrutia on Lpez, for example.
What role does translation play in cuban-american studies? In what ways do translation influence the writers weve read when developing their own concepts (biculturation, defining generations, etc.)
What are the particularities of racialization in the cuban-american context. How does it affect the development of literary identity? Thinking through Lpez’s explicit thinking on it, and the way it is implied in Lets Hear Their Voices, for example.
How do direct and indirect experiences shape the identity and literary production of the group? What about gray areas where some people come at a really young age. What does it mean to experience the island?
Necessary components of the midterm
Engages with all four texts (overall)
Is six pages minimum–nine pages maximum (the two 3-page papers should be in one doc, one after the other)
Uses quotations as evidence/support for claim/idea.
Must contain an original claim
12-point font, times new roman, double spaced.
Submit on Turnitin on mycourses (remember its 2 steps!)