
Assume the role of a company manager and write a block business letter that provides bad news to the recipient, adhering to the following requirements:

Assignment Walkthrough: https://cdnapisec.kaltura.com/index.php/extwidget/preview/partner_id/956951/uiconf_id/38285871/entry_id/1_3n5sksqk/embed/dynamic

  • Content:
    • Address the communication issue from the scenario.
    • Provide bad news from the company to the recipient.
    • Concentrate on the facts of the situation and use the inductive or deductive approach.
    • Assume your recipient has previously requested a review of the situation via email, letter, or personal meeting with management.
    • Include the proper introductory elements (senders address, date, recipients address). You may create any details necessary in the introductory elements to complete the assignment.
    • Provide an appropriate and professional greeting or salutation.

Paul works for the website division of SuperMega retail company. He receives an email late Friday afternoon indicating that a new computer will launch at the end of next June and it will be in high demand with limited stock. The three-page message also indicates that customers will be able to preorder the item 30 days before launch, according to the production company. Paul is asked to create a landing page for consumers who are interested in learning more about the product.

  • By mistake, Paul sets up a page that allows customers to preorder product that afternoon, well in advance of the company authorized preorder period. Late Friday evening consumers begin to preorder the product.
  • Sharon, vice president of product sales at SuperMega, learns of the error Saturday morning and calls Paul to arrange a meeting first thing Monday morning. Sharon explains to Paul on the phone that the company intends to cancel all of the preorders, and Paul responds that the company should honor the preorders because it was not a consumer error. After a heated exchange, Paul hangs up on Sharon when she insists that the preorders will be canceled because of Pauls error.