short story analysis essay

Using Futures by Han Ong

In what way does the story reinforce or challenge (or simply describe/exemplify) some social norm or cultural value? Provide evidence from the story to support your assertion. In other words, what is some statement or message you think the story is making about people or society–and what is your evidence for that?

Do you agree with the statement or message you think the story is putting forth–why or why not? Wherever possible, use evidence to support your position. (For example, if you believe the story is making a statement about institutional racism in the real world, refer to studies or statistics to show why you agree/disagree with the statement.)

What other considerations should the author or readers take into account as it relates to the underlying message or statement of the story? Did the story get some things wrong, or leave some things out? Could it have gone further to illustrate its point? Discuss matters like character, setting, plot, etc., as you analyze the story.

2000 words in length
2-3 scholarly sources
Proper MLA style (including in-text citations and Works Cited page)