neonaticide & Infanticide.

write a scholarly paper based on a comprehensive review, Include a minimum of eight peer-reviewed references. You may use any other academic books as long you provide adequate cites. Use a 12-point font in Times New Roman and one-inch margins all around the paper. Use the 7th edition of the APA style manual.

Your paper should focus on one specific topic .The aim of the paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature pertaining to your topic.

Topic is neonaticide & Infanticide.

Here are 2 references you need to use AT LEAST 6 MORE  with a total of 8

Spinelli, M. (2019). Infanticide and American criminal justice (19802018). Archives of women’s mental health, 22(1), 173-177.

Klier, C. M., Amon, S., Putkonen, H., Arias, P. F., & Weizmann-Henelius, G. (2019). Repeated neonaticide: differences and similarities to single neonaticide events. Archives of women’s mental health, 22(1), 159-164.

This article can be accessed through Google Scholar.