counseling skills

M4 Written Assignment – Case Study and Video Exercise
Case Study:  Meredith

You are very likely to work with many clients who have experienced major illness. Listening to and drawing out their story is an important part of helping them cope with this major threat to their well-being. Colon cancer, for example, has long been hidden from the public eyeyet is one of the leading causes of death through cancer.  The following interview discusses cancer and also the accompanying loss of power that women sometimes feel in the process of seeking medical assistance. Review the case and answer the questions.

Meredith: Let me tell you the story of how I learned I had cancer. I’d had bleeding for several months, but my husband said that it was just hemorrhoids. I’ve never had hemorrhoids in my entire life. But I just hoped it would go away.

Then my sister urged me to visit a colon clinic near her home. I didn’t even think I had cancer, and I wasn’t worried, except that the cleansing ahead of time wasn’t fun. I walked into the doctor’s office thinking I was going to have a routine exam.

It wasn’t routine (at least not for me). I could see my colon on the video screen as they did the sigmoidoscopy, and there it wasa small mushroom. I thought, “That shouldn’t be in there.”

After the exam, they called my husband in. The doctor and his assistant (very tall) stood up while we sat down. He said that we had nothing to worry about, but it was possible that I did have colon cancer and that I had to have a second examination, the more complete colonoscopy. As you know, they operated shortly after that.

My main recollection when I learned of the problem, other than shock, was those two big guys standing over me, a woman. They talked to my husband and very little to me. I felt rather small and lost.

Answer and submit the answers to the following questions, keeping in mind the readings as you answer the questions:

How would you use encouraging, paraphrasing, or summarization at this time with this client?
What are some other helping skills you could use to help her?
Video Exercise

Go to Mindtap and open chapter 5, under How do I practice what I learned,  choose the Closed Captioned video Chapter 5 Helper Studio: Carl, Use of Questions. Then and then answer the following questions:

How would you use questions to better understand Carl’s situation?
What specific questions would you ask?
Would these be opened or closed questions?

Video Exercise

Go to Mindtap and open chapter 6, under How do I practice what I learned,  choose the Closed Captioned video Helper Studio: Rosetta, Paraphrasing and Summarizing and then answer the following questions:

Multicultural competence is a goal toward which we all will be striving throughout our careers. The video clip illustrated the importance of knowledge, awareness, and skills in multicultural areas. The goal in this exercise is to help you think a bit about diversity issues, your response to these issues, and what you might actually say to the client. What occurs for you as you watch Damaris?
What are all the emotions she is feeling?
Does she mention beliefs that are in conflict with her emotions? If so what?
How would you summarize what she just described to you?