Intimacy & Narrative

Choosing either Beyond Katrina, House on Mango Street, or Jekyll and Hyde as your focus of the essay, explore the connections between intimacy and personal history: more specifically, how does intimacy (with people, places, or objects) both help and hinder the telling of a story? In what ways does intimacy make it easier or more difficult to tell ones own story?

I will expect you to begin with a focused and articulate thesis and then to develop a clear, clean, well-argued essay of at least 4-5 full pages, drawing on specific examples from our course texts.  Strike a balance: dont just talk about the text without using examples drawn from it, but also avoid using extended quotation or summary as filler.  Your final draft should be typed in a normal font-size (e.g. 12-pt Times), with no more than 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced, paginated