Amazon vs Alibaba vs The World

– Visit both companies’ corporate websites and e-Commerce websites, in order to familiarize yourself with both the organizations and their operations.

-Answer the following questions:

1. How do Alibaba’s and Amazon’s mission and vision differ? How do their User Experience (Ux) differ? Explain.

2. Are Amazon and Alibaba direct or indirect competitors? Why or why not? Explain.

3. How has each company gradually and exponentially grow, from humble beginnings to being worth $1 trillion? For this answer, you can provide a synopsis (brief summary) of how each one evolved from a small Dot.Com into a global giant.

4. What strategic decisions, acquisitions, and products/services development were responsible for both Alibaba’s and Amazon’s success (list and briefly discuss as many as you can research).

5.What roles do A.I. (artificial intelligence), data analytics, and robotics play at Amazon and Alibaba? In your answer, include a brief discussion on how both companies transformed from online retailers, into high-tech companies.

6. How can Walmart and/or CostCo compete against these two global giants? Should they? In your answer, pick only one of the two (Walmart or CostCo) and provide a strategic vision for competing in the digital, global economy of the future.

Font 12, double-spaced

APA References

Turn-it-In Enabled, do NOT plagiarize

Approximately 4-6 pages (not counting title page and references)

Include proper Title Page and References page(s)