Criminal Justice -Child Sexual Abuse by a family member

Each student is responsible for a Critical Analysis Project, a 2000 essay that incorporates the students academic and intellectual
work on a specific topic throughout the course.

Your aim is to explore the wider social context related to sexual crimes that lead to the development of arrest and incarceration
practices related to sexual offenders, victim support and service delivery and policy responses to sexual crimes. You should use
a critical lens exploring the topic and engage in analysis, not simply report on the topic. You should pay specific attention to the
impact of race, gender, economic status, disabilities, age and other social categories and their intersections. Each student must
turn in a typed paper, single spaced using in text citation (where appropriate). Students may be asked to discuss sections with
the class.

TOPIC:7 Child sexual abuse by a family member

The written paper should include (at a minimum):
Brief Literature review: Starting early on, each student should choose a topic (approved by the instructor) and begin conducting
a literature review related to the subject. Often there is limited or contradictory research, so students should begin to research
the topic using BOTH empirical sources and other methods of data collection (ie.non-scientific sources, news articles, legislative
analyses, etc.). The goal is to develop the students knowledge of the topic as it relates to the chosen topic.
Interviews and/or personal observations: Students should include first -hand knowledge from a variety of sources about the
subject. Students can interview individuals who have had direct experience on the topic, (please keep this data confidential
and anonymous, and be sure to fully disclose to the individual what you are doing with the information), people who have
worked in criminal justice settings, service providers, members of the criminal justice community (ie law enforcement,
prosecutor) or others who would have relevant information regarding the issue. You may also participate or observe
community meetings or court hearings related to the issue (SAFETY OF STUDENTS AND OTHERS ARE PARAMOUNT IN THIS
REQUIRED PUBLIC HEALTH ORDERS -email interviews and virtual attendance are sufficient for this section)