
Please watch the videos for Soweto Uprising; The Body of Emmett Till, and Stay Woke.  All three, in their own way, are disturbing viewing.  Each of them discusses, in different times, and in different places, movements which began and were stoked by outrage over the murder of black men and women — whether by the government, the police, or by racists in a police state. 

What also unites these three videos are how they reveal the ways in which millions of people — all over the world — came to sacrifice their time, energy, and in some cases, lives, to participate in movements to demand justice.  In every case, the power of the media to tell the stories of these victims of racism — whether that media be newspapers, magazines, television, social media — made these movements possible.

Using examples from all three videos, analyze here the path of these stories from the initial death of the black victim involved, to the broadcast of the story to the world, to the gathering of millions to demand justice.  How has the media involved changed and how has it not changed?  How have these unlikely heroes in these stories — who used the media to broadcast the story changed, and not changed?  And lastly, in an age of online activism, consider this: can we all be agents of the amplification of stories of social injustice, following in the footsteps of Till and Nzinga?  How can we discover new ways to amplify such stories?

“soweto uprising”

the body of Emmett till

stay woke