Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) and Ren Descartes (1596-1660) were contemporaries who offered different arguments in support of their belief in God. Explicate their respective arguments, offer at least two counterarguments to their arguments, and explain

topic Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) and Ren Descartes (1596-1660) were contemporaries who offered different arguments in support of their belief in God. Explicate their respective arguments, offer at least two counterarguments to their arguments, and explain whose arguments you find more convincing and why.

3. Use MLA style in-text citation throughout your paper.
4. Your name, PHI 1030 (the course number), and J. Polanowski, Professor, should appear in the upper left corner of the first page of your papers.
5. Margins should be 1.25″ at the top, bottom, left, and right.
6. Font should be 14-point Times New Roman.
7. Each essay should be 10 to 15 pages long.
8. You should use at least five academic sources in each essay. Your sources may be the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, scholarly books, academic periodicals, and philosophical Web sites.
9. Dictionaries, other encyclopedias, and the Holy Bible DO NOT count as sources for your essays.
10. At the end of each essay, you should include a Works Cited page that is constructed according to MLA style. You should NOT have a bibliography or references page.
11. Make sure that you turn in your work on time; you will lose 5.0 points for each day your essay is late, and you will not be afforded an opportunity to rewrite your essay. This is why it is very important that you turn in your paper on time so that if you decide to redo your work, you will not be deprived of another chance to receive full credit. TURN IN YOUR PAPER ON TIME!
12. You are required to turn in your essay in one version only: an electronic version. The electronic version is to be submitted to me in the form of an attachment to your Assignment folder labeled Essay located in the D2L version of this class. Make sure that the electronic version of your essay is in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages format so that I can open it. You can access the virtual version of this class by going to the colleges main Web page and clicking on the NS Online link. You will be asked to enter your user ID and password, which you used when you were registering for your classes. Once you enter your D2L portal, you will click on the link for this class, which will take you inside the Web dimension of this course.
13. This class’ being a humanities course will require out of you the ability to write not only coherent, but also grammatically correct essays. Any papers that contain more than twenty-five (25) grammatical and orthographic mistakes will automatically incur a failing grade. Therefore, make sure that you carefully proofread your work before you turn it in to me. You are no longer in high school, where teachers were happy that you managed to submit any quality of work. Now you are in college, and the expectations from you are significantly higher. If you have forgotten your grammatical rules, now is the time to refresh your English composition knowledge by reviewing your grammar book and the grading sheet!
You may turn in one re-writing of your paper within seven (7) calendar days of the day I return your paper to you. Your paper may be rewritten one time, which means that if you decide to rewrite it, you should attend first to the content shortcomings and then all the grammatical and orthographic weaknesses that your paper contains. If you rewrite your paper, please write REWRITE clearly beside the heading (see #5 above) and identify which assignment you are rewriting. Please boldface all content corrections and additions that you make to your paper so that I dont have to read your entire essay anew. DO NOT BOLDFACE GRAMMATICAL