Ethic issues in research

Find at least 2 to 3 dissertation/research studies/ articles/ journals that focus on this population (prisoners, parolees, ex-felons, ex-offenders) population and address these questions. . Make sure each paragraph is clear and addresses the question.

Questions: 1. Explain what the study is about (1paragrah)           
Question 2. How did the researcher (s) handle the ethical issues? Since prisoners, parolees, ex-felons, ex-offenders) are a protected population? (This population of individuals would be considered high risk) (1-2paragrah) 

Question 3. What special considerations had to be made in the studies to be able to survey/interview or use this population to complete the study? (1-2paragrah)                             
(References) You must support your work with current scholarly articles/ journals within the last five to seven years